What is springboot?
Spring boot is a way of writing and creating spring based application with less boilerplate code and configuration since it comes with many special features such as the auto-configuration that saves developers the time and energy of writing tons of code blocks, annotations and unnecessary XML configurations.
The main goal of spring boot is to ease the way web applications are developed.
Indeed, it ensures that by writing less code, it is both more understandable as well as maintainable. Also, it decreases the time spent on development, increases the productivity within a team and eases the process of integrating new team members.
Moreover, spring boot provides a command line interface that makes it easy to develop, build and test applications along with a wide range of plugins that facilitate these tasks using build tools like Maven and Gradle.
Spring boot simplifies spring dependencies for instance it configures the default hibernate as the JPA (Java Persistence API) provider and it automatically injects specified beans.
It is also worth mentioning that is very effortless to add dependencies such as Spring Security, spring JDBC, spring data jpa, etc.
Finally, Spring boot offers a set of embedded servers to use such as Tomcat, Jetty and UnderTow which makes it easier to launch.
I hope that it was a clear and straight forward explanation, please let me know if you have any questions at info@techsoupe.com
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